VoxBreaker | An OOP Voxel Destruction module

Can anyone please help with my issue :v

Hello barto, I hope this message finds you well.
I suggest a update of a module, a fix of the minimum voxel size.
For the first time when you voxel the wall, the voxel size is about right. But the pieces get smaller when you cut the side of what you cut, this is because when you cut something it makes small parts around it. When you negate it they are already in their small piece form.

My suggestion is, to join back all the 1 stud parts into one when you negate them.

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What I’m talking about is the left over parts when you cut the wall.
They get smaller each time

Could you share a video or screenshot? I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean.

hi hi, is there any way to prevent the player from bumping into the wall and causing the velocity to deplete unlike jujutsu shenanigan’s destruction… I think having players go through walls are silly so i am trying to find out if there is a way to do this

what i have tried so far

having the block’s collision to false ( but i do worry about having the floor’s collision affecting this problem )

adding a larger hitbox size and set it’s cframe using localscript by networkship ( it still delays from server script and i plan on not having any conversation with server scripts and local scripts for destruction for my project )

One thing i havent tried is making a collision group and setting it to the block’s model ( i wanted to try this but i have no clue to how i am gonna take plans on editing this module for it to function correctly )

So if you gaiz have like any more strats or suggestions tell me cuz i wanna know a better way to add player going through walls cuz it looks very sick !! :shock:

I responded to a different person asking about the same thing in a previous post:

Just make the hitbox follow the players velocity. If you still have them bumping into walls, you can lower how much their velocity is divided by

I did apply the velocity from the previous post ( i just forgot to mention it. sorry brah ) but i dont wanna rely on it too much since it could cause parts being destroyed from the other side if knockback wasnt processed correctly.

I do still use it but i am just looking for alternatives just in case there is another better way other than just player velocity

For now i found out that bodyvelocity forcefully makes players go through walls so i am currently use that as a solution but if you guys have any better alternatives

also this could be the cause of unnecessary models being created since i have it as a problem and is most likely one of the lags causing it


The excess models are a bug that I just noticed yesterday. Will be fixing that asap.


ok new solution

i made a global for the partcache that ill use inside the voxbreaker module so that a new one isnt made each time the module is required

then i do the lil thing where you destroy voxels on the server while sending them to the client and you just clone the voxels and handle them from there

this has caused me little to no lag from my personal experience

Wassup everyone,

So I stumbled across another module similar to this one, and I would like to know everyone’s opinion which one could be better?

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Big tip, if your making a ragdoll destruction like jujutsu shenanigans make a strength value that decreases per second so to prevent the player from ever falls continuously the strength value will decrease to 0 to prevent the player from ever falling too low ( or add a set value time for how long the ragdoll should last presumably shorter than previously timed )

( liek this exampel of no strength system )


Is there any reason to not just stop the hitbox?

yessy i am explaining ways to stop it if your planning to create a ragdoll system with destruction :exploding_head: :boom: ( so liek stopping the hitbox via player velocity and ground check or having it just stop from a timer )

So like even if the time of the ragdoll ended, it will still continue because there is some velocity left???

like that but you got it mixed, I would recommend prioritizing ragdoll time over velocity since if there is still velocity left for a certain amount of time the ragdoll should need to stand up

Keep us updated Barto! Have you fixed the problem yet?
Also If you are open to suggestions, would you be open to adding texture support in the future? (I.e. parts keep the texture when broken, and maintain it once voxelized)

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I am currently putting 100% of my time into a personal project, which will be nearly complete soon. I will resume updates to the module once I have some free time, which should be in a week or two. And the texture thing is already half implemented, its just bugged at the moment.


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