VR Updates: OpenXR, Height Scaling and Floor Tracking

I’m still getting issues and to be honest it’s worse than before now. Before I could at least play test once before getting the same error. I’ve voted, and I’ll drop the error just in case.

Valve Index
AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT
AMD Ryzen 7 5700 X 8-Core
3200hz 32 GB of DDR4 memory



For me, it’s hit or miss. Sometimes I don’t get this error but other times the error does occur. The error has occurred more than it hasn’t.

It still occurs and is definitely worse than before. Before, it would only happen if I were to playtest, edit a script, then playtest again, or switch to server view during a playtest. Now, it’s happening on the first playtest without editing any scripts or switching views, making it impossible to develop in VR right now.

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just got around to being able to try and i can confirm, happened on the first try :broken_heart:

UPDATE: Turning off the “Faster Play Solo” beta feature appears to revert me to the previous behavior of “one playtest and then never again”

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