Wait() integrated into a GUI

Hello, I am trying to achieve a system where when I run a wait() command, a GUI shows up with a countdown timer with how long the wait time was

I am completely stuck on what to do and I can’t find any resources for this, if you got any ideas drop them below!

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You misunderstood what I meant, when I run a wait() in my loop, a countdown starts with how long until the loop reiterates

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Like do you want a timer for low long the wait() time was? I don’t really understand what you are trying to achieve.

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Okay so this is what I have

local cooldown = 20
local countdown = 0
while true do 
local args = {
    [2] = "Develop City"

What I want is for every time the wait(cooldown) starts, a timer show up under the countdown variable which counts until the loop reiterates


Do u want a Timer go up until something happens?

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Basically what I want is for when the wait(cooldown) runs, a 20 second timer counting down starts

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Hmmm, doesn’t wait() yield the script though?

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Do u want first GetChildren then Timer or first the Timer then Jamaica GetChildren()?

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but I want the user to know how long until the loop reiterates

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Well this script wont run forever because you never reset the countdown value.

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Jamaica GetChildren() first and then the cooldown starts

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Create a TextLabel, then:

local cooldown = 20

local textLabel = "Your TextLabel"
textLabel.Text = cooldown

while true do 
	local args = {

		[2] = "Develop City"


	repeat task.wait() do

		textLabel.Text -= 1


	until textLabel.Text == 0


Then put while task.wait(1) under GetChildren()