Waiting 15 seconds before spawning NPC

I realized after I wrote it I didnt have to check that it was true (Im very tired rn) LOL

I’ve never really used task.wait() so it almost always slips my mind but looking at what it does I guess it does make more sense to use it

all these solutions arent working and nothing came out in the output

idk the difference between task.wait() and wait() either

but people use task.wait() more often

but i think task.wait() just doesn’t throttle or something

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can you put a print statement inside the while loop

Try this:
If thats the case then your code is wrong you have to wait(15) then set whatever value is equal to true and inside write wait(3)

For example:

local spawnTime =  false

spawnTime = true

while spawnTime do
   local Clone = NPC:Clone()
   Clone.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = spawner.CFrame -- Move the HumanoidRootPart and not the Torso
   Clone.Parent = workspace

According to this post task.wait() is more accurate as it is 2x faster

Side Note: According to an admin we should use task.wait() instead…


oh wait a second

is this a server script?

if so:

local rStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local enemiesFolder = rStorage:WaitForChild("Enemies")

local NPCs = {
-- add more if you will ever need to

local spawner = script.Parent
-- We are getting rid of the textlabel variable, as you cannot access player GUIs on server side, if you want to edit the text label dynamically, you need to use remote events.
local spawnable = false

spawnable = true

while spawnable do
  local clone = NPCs.YourEnemy:Clone() -- i'm being too complicated i know, but if you'll ever be adding more enemies, i suggest having a function that's responsible for enemy RNG
  clone.Parent = workspace
  clone.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = spawner.CFrame

why is it unknown? i labeled it in the table

oh it’s because it’s an array :skull:

okay so

you can either do

local NPCs = {
  SomeName = enemiesFolder.YourEnemy



If you want a detailed explanation on how to clone mobs you can watch this GnomeCode video on tower defence stuff:
Wave Based Attacks - Tower Defense Tutorial #2 (youtube.com)

Just change the

local NPCs = {


local NPCs = {
  killguy = enemiesFolder.killguy

In the first, you are calling a NPCs.killguy doesn’t exist, as there is no entry in the array NPCs called killguy. Your mistake was in not thinking through the information that the computer has access to. The computer will not magically find the killguy part that is under enemiesFolder, you need to tell it that that is the killguy NPC.

Consider marking this as a solution if your problem was solved.

the npc arent spawning in the position of the spawner


clone.PrimaryPart.CFrame = spawner:GetPivot()

If that doesn’t work, then see what print(spawner:GetPivot()) outputs.

they spawning in the floor and changing the Y value does nothing
Screenshot 2024-07-24 213349

clone.PrimaryPart.CFrame = spawner:GetPivot()+Vector3.new(0,3,0)

just put it slightly above the ground

and instead of clone.PrimaryPart...

just do clone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(spawner.CFrame)

SetPrimaryPartCFrame is depreacted

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i mean i still use it, so it can’t be that bad

i have done all those solutions
wont work


any errors? can i see your code and explorer?