I want to make a sort of system where when you start walking you start off slow, and then your walk speed gets higher the more you walk until it reaches a number like 16 where it stops ramping it up. I know you can use Humanoid.Running to detect if they’re walking, but how would I make it ramp up your walk speed the more you walk? Can someone give me an example?
Sure, luckily the hard work was done by @ThanksRoBama in smoother characters.
This method uses Humanoid:Move() and lerping the direction vector from magnitude 0 to 1 where 0 is no speed and 1 is the humanoid WalkSpeed.
Keep in mind this is just one method and ofc not the best method. What matters is the method of using Humanoid:Move() to maintain the default humanoid movement system and such.
--Localscript in starter player scripts
local RunS = game:GetService("RunService")
local InputS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
character = _character
local walkKeyBinds = {
Forward = { Key = Enum.KeyCode.W, Direction = Enum.NormalId.Front },
Backward = { Key = Enum.KeyCode.S, Direction = Enum.NormalId.Back },
Left = { Key = Enum.KeyCode.A, Direction = Enum.NormalId.Left },
Right = { Key = Enum.KeyCode.D, Direction = Enum.NormalId.Right }
local function getWalkDirectionCameraSpace()
local walkDir = Vector3.new()
for keyBindName, keyBind in pairs(walkKeyBinds) do
if InputS:IsKeyDown(keyBind.Key) then
walkDir += Vector3.FromNormalId( keyBind.Direction )
if walkDir.Magnitude > 0 then --(0, 0, 0).Unit = NaN, do not want
walkDir = walkDir.Unit --Normalize, because we (probably) changed an Axis so it's no longer a unit vector
return walkDir
local function getWalkDirectionWorldSpace()
local walkDir = camera.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace( getWalkDirectionCameraSpace() )
walkDir *= Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) --Set Y axis to 0
if walkDir.Magnitude > 0 then --(0, 0, 0).Unit = NaN, do not want
walkDir = walkDir.Unit --Normalize, because we (probably) changed an Axis so it's no longer a unit vector
return walkDir
local function lerp(a, b, c)
return a + ((b - a) * c)
local targetMoveVelocity = Vector3.new()
local moveVelocity = Vector3.new()
local moveAcceleration = 1
local function updateMovement( dt )
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50
local moveDir = getWalkDirectionWorldSpace()
targetMoveVelocity = moveDir
moveVelocity = lerp( moveVelocity, targetMoveVelocity, math.clamp(dt * moveAcceleration, 0, 1) )
humanoid:Move( moveVelocity )
You can make a part where certain areas you can lose and get speed
-- Set a variable for boosted speed power
local SPEEED_POWER = 200
local function speed(otherPart)
local partParent = otherPart.Parent
local humanoid = partParent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
local currentSpeed = humanoid.WalkSpeed
if currentSpeed < SPEEED_POWER then
humanoid.WalkSpeed = SPEEED_POWER
humanoid.WalkSpeed = currentSpeed
No, I want it so that the more you walk the faster you go, not by touching something you get faster, by walking it’ll slowly ramp up your walk speed until it reaches a certain value.
I’d collect the stats somewhere, like a leaderboard. Start it off at the walkspeed you want (16 speed). Then for each step you give leaderboard + 1 and a script where your walkspeed is = to the leaderstats.
How do I detect each step? All I know is that the Humanoid.Running function runs every time the player moves or stops.
To detect each step, I suggest taking a look at this topic:
From there you can just set the humanoid walkspeed += 1
Also, if you want it to reset when the player stops, just use this snippet of code:
if Humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude <= 0 then
Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
Hope you find this useful
I tested this and it worked:
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local initialSpeed = 0.2 -- How fast should the player go when he joins
local maxSpeed = 16 -- What should the maximum speed be
local increment = 1 -- How much should get added to the speed every x seconds
local speedDelay = 5 -- How fast does the speed get added to the player's speed
local humanoid = playerCharacter:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
humanoid.WalkSpeed = initialSpeed
while humanoid and humanoid.WalkSpeed ~= maxSpeed do
if humanoid.MoveDirection.X > 0 or humanoid.MoveDirection.Y > 0 or humanoid.MoveDirection.Z > 0 or humanoid.MoveDirection.X < 0 or humanoid.MoveDirection.Y < 0 or humanoid.MoveDirection.Z < 0 then
if humanoid.WalkSpeed < maxSpeed then
humanoid.WalkSpeed = humanoid.WalkSpeed + increment
Make sure to put it inside a Script in ServerScriptService.
Mark this as the solution if it helped with your issue!
Terribly sorry, I forgot about this post I made LOL, thanks for your help it helped me after changing a bit of stuff so I could tween it instead.