Wall Builder - Create Seamless Terrain Walls & Paths Effortlessly

:link: Get it here: Wall Builder Plugin

:brick: About Wall Builder

Wall Builder is a powerful plugin that lets you place parts off other parts, creating a seamless sequence of walls with ease! It’s perfect for shaping building interiors, creating terrain walls in large maps, and building paths.

:rocket: Why Use Wall Builder?

Can’t you place walls manually? While it’s possible to manually align and place walls, it can be incredibly time-consuming and requires precision to ensure seamless alignment at the corners. Wall Builder automates this process, saving you time and effort.

:video_game: How to Use Wall Builder

  1. Start Placement: Open the plugin and click on “Start Placement”.

  2. Hover and Click: Hover over either the left or right surface of a part where you want to add a wall.

  3. Customize: After placing a wall, you can rotate and scale it to your liking.

:star2: Examples

Terrain Walls

Here’s an example of a quick build using Wall Builder to create terrain walls:

Seamless Paths

Easily create seamless paths for your game:

:movie_camera: See Wall Builder in Action

Watch this quick video to see how the plugin works:

Wall Builder Tutorial

:shopping_cart: Get Wall Builder Now!

:point_right: Purchase Wall Builder Plugin

Feel free to share feedback in the comments!


Cool plugin you made here. It has it’s fair uses as well. But now I present to you, your competitor;

Archimedes, it’s free and has more features.


Nice :slightly_smiling_face: I’m sure it will be of good use in the future


In Archimedes, you have to manually change the angle to your fit, with this plugin, just rotate it however you want and done. I prefer having Wall Builder instead of Archimedes to build walls.


Hi, thanks for your reply. Archimedes does not let you control the rotation & scale of every individual part quickly. It is not the same as this plugin and targets a different use case.

When I want my second wall to have a different rotation & scale in archimedes, I need to turn on the scale tool in studio, scale the part, then input a new rotation number manually:


You still have to manually rotate to fit your walls in this one don’t you? The only change is that archimedes has it in a gui while this one has it directly implemented.

Everyone has their opinions, and there’s yours. Some may not prefer spending 5 USD on this plugin but some may.

I see, but you have’t really showed us the plugin in action, can you? I would like to see how the scale tool works.


I appreciate your response but please read through my entire post and check out the “How to use” section. I explain how it works and there are screenshots of it in action

After you’ve placed a wall, you can rotate and scale it to your liking!


I did, it’s just images mostly, I am asking for it in action as in video footage of how the plugin works. I started to reply after reading your post so don’t think of me as a karen.


The post has been updated with a short video showcase.


Ah, alright thank you! Now I can properly say my reviews and opinions about this as I have some footage of how it would work.

I would suggest adding more options as it still lacks many stuff and can’t really be compared to archimedes, maybe add make it automatically place parts without you moving your mouse? Like repeating the last action. I would also suggest adding more scale options, I would also suggest to fix the GUI a bit because for a paid plugin you would expect good gui design but this one isn’t too good. Maybe take inspiration from how roblox made it’s gui? It’s quite cluttered.


You should totally make it possible to resize the Wall from a face. Would make it even more worth it!

Edit: nevermind, that seems to be a feature in the video. lol
Definitely going to buy this. Seems like a fantastic tool.


just bought! I haven’t done much building in a while but I’m excited to try it!

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