"Wanderers" Update Board

"A simple low-poly styled MMORPG, play through simple levels and peaceful views as you and a party of your friends traverse to fight whatever awaits them."


small project i’ll be working on in the late/early seasons of 2021-2022, hopefully i’ll be able to make some time for this thing outside of work and school and a lot of junk overall, for those of yall in the know, p:r isn’t dead but it’s not a good concept so there’s a hiatus

check the comments constantly because i like to post release patches on occasion, or bookmark the thread if you feel so inclined. also No, I Have Not Worked On This Game Since November Of 2020 As The Thread Age May Imply, but i just reused some old crappy bulletin thread i had because i was too lazy to delete it. enjoy the previews and such, and happy wandering

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Alpha Release, v0.01

hey everyone, this official release includes the first 2(ish) patches of the game which include functional UI and basic game mechanics and whatnot. progress has been a little slow, but the next big release should come within less than a month (i hope). anyways below is the new Obligatory Image Leaks From The Game To Boost Hype Although It Probably Will Not Work, and after that is your glorious patch notes. i hope you guys enjoy the new formatting, more or less.


  • Functional Title Screen (New Game, Load Game, and view About Page)
  • Dual data caching and manual loading and retrieving (without constantly overloading the datastore)
  • All sound effects for UI implemented on trigger inputs
  • Octree-based location tracker to accurately display current locations in 3D space
  • Fully functional camera interpolation and customized shift-lock for efficiency and flexibility
  • Added ‘Ire’ and the strafing mechanic, which uses Ire in a stamina-based mechanic to work
  • Full HUD with functional health, location and Ire displays as well as keybinds (future setting to hide keybinds?)
  • Fully dynamic character customization with changeable eyes and mouths, as well as original hairstyles and RGB color selections
  • Modular Hostile AI prototypes using a forked version of BehaviorTrees3
  • Functional game save saving, loading, and retrieval/detection
  • Multiple bug fixes and optimizations in the game code

Things In Next Release

things i plan to include in the next release include (but are not limited to):
  • Functional Enemy AI
  • Inventory (will have a cap of 36, but some items can stack up to 32)
  • Regenerative Ire
  • Randomized initial character on each New Save
  • Combat Logging
  • Class Determination System (based on weapon and equipment, “subclasses” may possibly exist this way)
  • …much more as well but another thing will probably be bug fixes

it will not catch on yet because you Fools will not play the game until Beta, but for now happy wandering and make up ideas about what the game will be idk

Alpha Release, v0.1


been a while since an official published update on this board! (i’d honestly forgotten about it somewhat lol, sorry)-- this release of the game does little to implement any new features but really shines in its backdoor workings through a complete rework of the existing functionality of the game to be more modular and OOP-styled, meaning updates from hereon will be relatively easy to build upon without having to change older chunks of the code to accommodate newer features.

oh yeah, did i mention new modular UI with customizable color schemes and General Awesomeness when it comes to the new GUI borders???


…and new:

full update release below (or at least what i can remember):

  • New data caching system using a forked version of ProfileService
  • New character saving system includes up to two hairstyles at a time (with customizable colors for both!) as well as a Facial Hair picker which takes its color from the first hair color choice
  • New Saving creates a randomized character each time it is chosen
  • Complete rebuild from ground-up of multiple previously-existing modules, including the local sigil creators + enemy modules altogether
    • ADDITIONAL: Enemies, Parties, Sigils + many other active instances used are now treated as “noninstances” in their respective modules, allowing for easy indexing and identification as opposed to the old format where instances would be guessed at or have to be referenced directly
  • Custom hotbars + auto-sorting Inventory systems in place
  • Fixed some annoying bug that would crash the game due to an infinite loop in a spawning function
  • Added the Hub Menu, accessible with Tab key
  • Changed the About menu to Settings
  • Chest visual cue functionality + usage functionality complete
  • Visual indications for normal damage vs. critical damage changed
  • Sigil scaling to expected size adjusted to be more accurate
  • New Health bar
  • Ire regenerates on a second-by-second interval, the amount scaling to your current percentage of Health compared to your total Health
  • Koll Label
  • Character position loading and saving
  • Class Determination Label

Things in next Release

  • Still need to make inventory (sorry, just REALLY been stalling it in order to figure out how to make it as best as I can, which I’m going to do through the way i save/load items)
  • Enemy AI flexibility (with varying attack patterns and intervals between each attack)
  • other stuff i can’t think about rn idk but it should make the game more like a “game” rather than a ((((Work In Progress Passion Project))))

on a side note: i’m really working to ensure the game is at least left on a level of replayability beyond the number of features i add in-- that was one of my mistakes w/ P:R, focusing on making junk like parties which nobody really cared for when combat wasn’t even a thing in the game yet

^as such, peer-related features will likely come in the latter half of the Alpha Releases in order to ensure all other core gameplay features are completely polished before i stuff the code with friendship functions

sorry for the radio silence up until this point, been busy with irl stuff and other hobbies but i’ll try to update this project as regularly as i can (or at least more regularly than proj raft lol), so yea, happy wandering