Want to stream audio without using the Voicechat feature

We would like to organize a talk event at In-Experience.

(1) Only the event facilitator and the speaker can speak (microphone input is provided)
(2) The event facilitator, speakers, and all participants can receive the microphone input from (1) and listen to it through the device’s speakers.

I would like to realize the following situation.

After much testing, it seems that when using Roblox’s VoiceChat feature, even participating users who do not require microphone input cannot hear the speaker’s voice unless they have passed age verification.

We would like participants to be able to activate only Roblox to listen to events, rather than having to listen to events in conjunction with other services such as Discord.

The speakers can be in the form of a Stream delivery via OBS, etc., by getting together in a Discrod voice chat. In that case, would it be possible for the Roblox Experience to receive the stream delivered by OBS and play it on the user’s speakers?

Do you have any good ideas?

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Using the new voice chat connectors you can likely have a “speech to text” deal where they can view a basic rendition of what people are saying turned into text.