Wanting To Create A Lobby That Sends Game Data Through TeleportService

I’m needing help in figuring out how to create a system that would send a group of players to a place within my game’s universe. This would be a single place where players would be able to play a round or two of the gamemode they selected, and upon the match finishing, they’d be sent back to the main place.

My biggest hurdle right now is figuring out how to teleport a group of players, along with the gamemode data. Upon the server starting up, it would require a modulescript that has variables such as

GamemodeData.Gamemode = "Team_Deathmatch"
GamemodeData.Map = "Floating_Worlds"

The best case scenario for this would be to make it so the Lobby / Start place is a maximum of one player, and then someone queue up everyone in a Lobby and send them all to the same place, in the same fashion as Halo’s Matchmaking service.

If anyone has any idea on how I could achieve this, please let me know!

This is called Matchmaking, here are some helpful threads for MatchMaking;

Matchmaking thread

You could also use messaging server to send information to teleport the players. I think you might also find this module useful;

Cross-server match making queue

Hope I was able to help!

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