Watchdog | Add security to your code with ease

It is, but for the command to show up in ChatCmds, you have to add the name of the function and its arguments into the Settings module.

I’ve linked a lite version in the post and I’ve also added some new commands that were requested. More details are in the update section.

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Oh my god do I need to add credit, because I am obviously adding this!!

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You can choose whether to give credit or not. It’s open source, so everyone can use it how they please. And I appreciate that people are finding this useful, thanks.

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When I used this in my games, I noticed that when I die, I lose the ability to use commands. Which is why I went ahead and added this piece of code right under the part where it enables the Chat Commands.

So that basically fixed the issue, you’re welcome.

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Thank you very much for bringing the issue to light, I hadn’t noticed it before. I’ve gone ahead and fixed the problem. I was listening to Player.CharacterAdded instead of Player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded when giving the client script to the player again.

What you’ve done is waited 2 seconds after the Character has been added, but that doesn’t guarantee that you won’t run into the same problem again. There was a running connection to CharacterAdded already, but it was firing too early to be useful in this case, which is why I’ve moved to CharacterAppearanceLoaded.

If you run into the same issue with the newly updated version, please do let me know.


I’ve had to change it up a bit. @AljoSven informed me that CharacterAppearanceLoaded doesn’t fire if a Player has no “appearance”, and there is still no guarantee that it will fire after the PlayerGui resets. So I’ve opted to listen to ClientScript.Destroying instead. This ensures that a new ClientScript is only added when the previous one has been removed from PlayerGui.


Alright. Good to know. Hope you do well in your project!


Doesn’t seem to work I think something must of broke since last update… I checked with print it’s detecting that I have mod but when I type commands into chat it doesn’t do anything?

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That’s strange, I’ll look into it. Thanks for bringing the issue up.

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It turned out that the new Roblox TextChatService broke it. ChatCmds weren’t showing up in the chat so I’ve had to change the client script up a bit.

Now, the legacy chat and the new TextChatService should be supported. It doesn’t have as many customisable features as the LegacyChat though, so I can’t change the TextColor or Font of specific messages… (if it’s possible, please let me know)

I’ve updated the model and GitHub.
Let me know if there are still any issues, thanks!

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Using Text-Styling you should be able to color the new text in the new TextService.
Its just like how TextStyling works within TextLabels.

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Thanks, I’ve updated the Client script again, the server responses should show with a different font and color now.


Many thanks for fixing. I will check out the module now, hopefully will save me a lot of time as my other options were to create a custom admin panel, which is a bit long-winded.

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