Water settings inside/outside view/physics

Hello guys, I have this problem. I found this model in tool box:

I want to put it underwater but with special physics inside this tube.

If I just fill water there is good view but player cant walk inside.:

I understand I fill place with water so it logical there is water and player are swiming but when I destroy water and player can run then view is not posible into water

So I need pshysics like normal → player can walk inside but view like underwater → water is transparent
Is this posible ?
Give me please some ideas how to fix this

Thank you very much :slight_smile:


Could you possibly have it full of water but put a script in that causes the player’s Density to increase and their swim state to be changed to walking while they are in that section?
I don’t know how you’d hide the ends of the water tunnel in that case though.

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Is it possible to change state from swim to walk ?

This removes the swim state.

You can’t remove the fog though.

If it doesn’t work on the server then use a client script.

In the future you could google it to save a lot more time.
It took me at least 10 seconds to find the answer for this.


To do this, fill the tunnel with a piece of glass. And disable the CanCollide feature.

Won’t that make the water disappear entirely? I’ve used it to hide Water inside of boats, but with a Part or Mesh surface behind it.
I believe they still want to see the water surface above.

If you just put it to cover the inside of the tunnel, this will still appear. It’s like on a boat, but it doesn’t prevent you from seeing the water outside through the tunnel.

I built a Glass Cylinder tunnel, hollowed it out by creating a Union, and put it into water with the water outside the surface of the tunnel.
Yes, the water disappears, but it makes it all disappear, so you don’t see the underside of the water’s top surface. Boats just appear to be floating in space with the sky as the background.

I set up your answer as solution but:

1.) it has to be local script
2.) doesnt work when script is used while payer swiming for me come update after I used tool then character stopped swimming