Way to avoid "sleeping" physics?

Hi, so for my bowling game, occasionally when I throw my ball at the pins, the ball just deflects off of the pins and no physics are applied to anything; they just act as if they’re anchored, but they’re not.

Somebody told me awhile ago this was probably due to the fact that Roblox causes physics to “sleep” if the camera is too far away or something?

For my game, I made it so the camera is stationary and at a fixed position at the start of the lane, so you can fully watch the ball go down the lane. Apparently, this is causing the issue.

Is there a way to bypass this automatic process Roblox does to parts? Thanks!


Not sure if this would work or not, but have you tried applying the same networkownership the bowling ball has to the pins? I’ve had weird issues in the past where changing that has fixed things. I’m not certain if that’ll help you at all but you could always try giving it a shot I suppose.

Edit: I mean if you are applying the networkownership of the bowling ball to that of the player throwing the ball, why not try and do the same for the pins.


Thanks for the reply.

I actually went about making my bowling game in a unique way, as I designed it with the perspective of making it a great experience for single player.

So what I did was, I create all the models, pins and balls client-sided directly, so there’s no need to set NetworkOwnership on anything.

Some months ago I came across this issue which its solution was to create the part on the server and then replicating it on the client in order to have its physics working. Here is @Defaultio’s solution to my problem and its explanation.


One thing to check is the camera.Focus parameter.

Shadows and physics and streaming are all centered in a bubble around this. Try setting this to where your pins are?

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