Like a hose for a house? Like the image below? If so you can use the rope tool and add little attachment blocks that are non-collidebale and transparent to fill in the gap and create a new x and y curve.
You can do that and use the rope tool to do that.
Uhm no, The rope will just collide.
That rope tool is automatically set to can collide as off. In the picture below you can see where I’m able to walk right through it. Also you can just keep adding points to the rope to make curves and such as I’ve shown down below. (That was a blank studio so there were no custom scripts you can also change the color, thickness, etc)
And how you want script it huh,this is not design but I need player connect it.
If you manage to design it properly, Beams might also be a solution. Although I think Ropes are a better option after some testing.
You might find some luck in reducing the length of the rope so that it sags less to the point it no longer goes through the ground.
Yeah, but how to do it with script I need it stay on part not is collide a part
Assuming you’re talking about a hose that works when a player walks and connects it like in one of those fire fighter games / simulations, I have some potential solutions for this.
You can accomplish this a number of different ways depending on how you want it to visually look.
The most simple approach would be to simply weld a part to the player’s hands, and use a part to connect from the first to second part (would have to be a loop). You could also use a beam with speed of 0, although it would appear more 2D like and flat. Perhaps also try a RopeConstraint with modified properties depending on distance?
To have it like a REAL hose like the picture displayed, you could try creating a script that detects when the player walks a distance > currentHoseDistance and it will create a “link” of cylinder parts using ballsocket constraints on the client.
drawing for concept, i’m no bob ross.
There’s never one way to achieve something, and it all comes down to your personal preference as far as visual appeal and style you’re looking for. Some of these solutions sound like they could give promising results and hopefully is what you are looking for, I haven’t attempted something like this so you’ll have to play around with it and adjust it. Good luck!
P.S. Be sure to include more detail on what you’re looking for in your initial post, many people seem confused on what exactly you’re referring to.
Thank for tip
I figure out now script how to do it there is it
local Path = game:GetService("PathfindingService"):CreatePath()
local Waypoints = Path:GetWaypoints()
local TableofWaypoints = {}
for _,way in pairs(Waypoints) do
local PartsDone = {}
for _,done in pairs(TableofWaypoints) do
local Part ="Part",workspace)
Part.Name = "Pathfindpath"
Part.Anchored = true
Part.CanCollide = false
Part.Transparency = 1
Part.Position = done.Position
local Att ="Attachment",Part)
Att.Name = "Join"
local End = 2
for _,done2 in pairs(PartsDone) do
local Rope ="RopeConstraint",workspace)
Rope.Attachment0 = done2.Join
Rope.Attachment1 = PartsDone[End].Join
Rope.Thickness = 1
Rope.Visible = 1
Rope.Length = (done2.Join.WorldPosition - PartsDone[End].Join.WorldPosition).Magnitude
End = End + 1
I’m using pathfindingservice for find a path then get waypoints insert into table then for each waypoint I do part and in part attachment and then I connecting it.
There is what is it doing
I hope I can improve it
Great work! Unique use case for PathfindingService, I never thought about that.
Yeah I creating path then connecting rope with each one parts.
Well I see you already found a way, but patfinding will find the fastest way not the most logical way. So why not make a joint every 1.5 studs player moves?
You can do what @ProvenData said and just add the constraints in different areas to make the fire hose idea.
Hello, Pixeluted. I am trying to make something like this for a project that I have been working on. I can’t find out where you put this script. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out, anyways have a good day/night!
Disclaimer: First Post, dont murder me
You’d need parts positions, line 3 of Pixeluted scripts defines them, and creates attachments at both parts along with an attachment between the two points (using pathfinding waypoints)
The effect being a hose like rope, but not really a hose, none the less great job pixeluted.