Weapons Kit - Your Experience Using It

I was thinking about using the Roblox Weapons Kit, and for those who have used it, I was wondering what your experience is.

  • Do you recommend using it?
  • Any problems or issues?
  • Is it still being updated?
  • Is there anyone to contact for support?

There are some pros and cons about them. However, I’d recommend using another model that fits your liking for its camera, complexity, building, etc.


There are a couple of fixes to the Weapons Kit that will help new users.

1. ReplicatedStorage
To get the kit working after copying to ReplicatedStorage, please read this post:

2. Shoulder Camera
To make the shoulder camera only active while the player is using the weapon, please read this post:


After personal experience, I would recommend creating your own weapons over using Roblox’s weapon kit. Their weapon kit is polished and has a lot of settings and other fancy stuff, however you can’t modify it much compared to just making your own weapon systems. Any little change you want to make can easily break the entire system if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, and there’s no documentation for any of the API used in it. Not to mention that it forces you into 3rd person with a shoulder camera - which has no setting to turn off - and you have to go through a painful amount of work to turn it off without breaking the entire gun script. The kit overall isn’t very developer-friendly to work with, and if you’re not making a third-person shooter game I would highly suggest not using it.

Other than the devforum (asking others who have used it for help) no.

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I am currently using the roblox weapons kit for a game, However how do i make a AmmoGUI with it ive seen it been modified in various games.