Webhook questions

I’m making a webhook to send a message to a Discord server whenever a certain player joins a game. I was wondering two things, how do I make new lines, and how do I @ a certain role?

May you please provide your code, or use the Scripting Support Template?

Here’s my code.

-- Player joins
	if player:GetRankInGroup(GROUP) >= 15 then
		local data = {
			['embeds'] = {{
				['title'] = "A HICOM member has joined the game!",
				['description'] = "Name: "..player.Name.."\nRank: "..player:GetRoleInGroup(GROUP).."\nGame link:\n"..LINK.."\nPing:\n@"

It’s not finished yet, I just want to know how to @ roles and make sure I am creating new lines correctly.

-- Player joins
	if player:GetRankInGroup(GROUP) >= 15 then
		local data = {
			['embeds'] = {{
				['title'] = "A HICOM member has joined the game!",
				description = {
					{name = "Name:", value = player.Name, inline = true},
					{name = "Rank:", value = "player:GetRoleInGroup(GROUP)", inline = true},
					{name = "Game Link:", value = LINK},
					{name = "Ping:", value = "@" .. player.Name}

This should work, if you are using the BloxLink bot which changes their nicknames to their Roblox username.

This is not tested though.

Thanks so much! I’ll try it out. :smiley:

Webhooks can’t ping certain roles, the only thing webhooks can ping is @everyone.