Webhook table help

I’ve been working on a function for a game to update players data. Everything works fine until I want to try and add in a webhook embed to send to our discord. The pcall worked before trying to post the table, but now all I receive is Bad request, error 400.
Everything else works but the discord Post

game.ReplicatedStorage.EditGet.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Admin, DataType, username, DataEnter)
	local key = tostring(getUserIdFromUsername(username))
	local RealName = getUsernameFromUserId(key)
	local woobhookembed = {
		["username"] = "Stat Update Logs", 
		["embeds"] = {{
			['title']="Stats System uwu",
			["thumbnail"] = {
				["url"] = game:GetService("Players"):GetUserThumbnailAsync(tonumber(key), Enum.ThumbnailType.AvatarThumbnail, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420), 	
					['name']="User Info",
					['value']="User " .. RealName.."  :: ID ".. tonumber(key),
					['name']="Admin who changed stats",
					['name']="Data Type",
					['name']="New Value",



	if ExternalDataStore:GetAsync(key.."/"..DataType) == nil then
		warn"Responce: Data type does not exist"
	elseif ExternalDataStore:GetAsync(key.."/"..DataType) then
		local success, err = pcall(function()
			ExternalDataStore:SetAsync(key.."/"..DataType, tonumber(DataEnter))
		if success then
			HTTP:PostAsync(woobhook, HTTP:JSONEncode(woobhookembed))
			warn"Responce: Successfully updated player data"


Discord expects a message response. Not an embed itself, In other words, you need to wrap this table inside of another table containing stuff such as the message content. Author Image, Stuff like this.

I developed a module that does this all by itself, So you can send webhooks and various messages to discord without issues, If there is then be sure to inform me.

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:eyes: :eyes: Thanks Matrix I’ll use the module