Webhook working on play solo but not in servers any idea why?

Webhook working on play solo but not in servers any idea why? I am using a proximity prompt

local Events = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")


local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

local webhook = " "

local function timestamp(t)
    local data = os.date("!*t", t)
    return string.format("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", data.year, data.month, data.day, data.hour, data.min, data.sec)
if Player then
 local HookData = {
		['username'] = "SERVER",
		['content'] = "",
            embeds = {
            {timestamp = timestamp(os.time()),
                fields = {
                        name = "**TEST:**",
                        value = Player.Name .. " - [ "..Player.UserId.." ]"
        HookData = HttpService:JSONEncode(HookData)
        HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HookData)

anyone know? would be really helpful

What do you mean by “working in solo but not in servers”, we need more information to be able to help you.

He means working in studio & not in-game.

Discord doesn’t seem to take requests from roblox, so you would have to use a proxy in order to send requests to discord, you can search “discord proxy” on devforum and choose which one is suitable for you