Website 'Universe' filtering name when the place name isn't filtered


A game we’ve been working on called ‘Croydon’ ([v1.3] ######## The London Transport Game - Roblox) has been filtered despite being unfiltered on the root place name. In this case they seem to be subject to different filtering.

Place settings show how it’s supposed to be shown - and this displays when you start the game.

However, on the game page and universe ‘Basic Settings’ they are filtered.

As for changing the content on the universe it shows this error:

However applying identical content to the root place goes through fine:

I would appreciate if this is looked at as ‘Croydon’ was unfiltered before the game was made and is unfiltered in most chat situations except this very specific example.

In summary:

Root Place name is unfiltered but Universe name is filtered and won’t sync.


Hate to bump this but as a member of the dev team is there any progress regarding this?


“Croydon” is not derogatory or offensive, it’s the name of a town (and it’s not a controversial location or anything like that). The word being filtered in any context should be a bug report on its own (and is the real problem here - the game name that has been used for years has suddenly been deemed “inappropriate” for no reason).


I made a post that, as all posts complaining about moderation do, got taken down for being repetitive. Despite that, it had not being posted about before because it wasn’t the same “moderation sucks” post that pops up every month to farm likes. It was a post about moderation changing recently and Roblox not telling anyone.

In a nutshell, that post was: “Moderation is changing and Roblox needs to say so, or else devs will be hurt. Imagine you upload an asset that is fine one day, then you upload a similar one, and get banned. Oh also I got banned 3 times in a row for literally nothing.”.

I’m salty that it got taken down, but my point is, moderation is changing right now. I assume for future updates (mild swearing update, 17+ update, etc). But, the automod is also a neural network that morphs and changes very often to keep up with bypasses and also to make sure it’s not tagging things that shouldn’t be tagged, so give it maybe a week and hope that it’s fixed.

As for why one is tagged and the other isn’t, I couldn’t tell you :skull:
Might have something to do with the 13+ filter vs the <13 filter.


Interesting - I did not know they used a neural network. I’m not surprised if this is the case, since they can be prone to bias and other influences. The game is suitable for all ages so I’m not sure why the filter would change?


According to this comment, the neural net is also a third party system. But that part might not be true. Though there’s also this post claiming it, too.

As for this, I don’t think it’d change based off the game’s age rating. What I meant was the places use the 13+ account filter for names but experiences use <13 filter, for whatever reason. Again, might not be true. Just a guess.


This is one instance where it was mentioned on the DevForum. The integration is so old that it was announced during the roblox forums days. I probably read it somewhere on their blog.


This really should be sorted by now, it isn’t hard to filter certain words, theres no reason to filter the word ‘Croydon’.

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Update: We’ve tried again after a few weeks to see if the filter has adapted/corrected itself (based on information that it’s an adapting ML model), however this bug still persists and we still cannot restore our game’s name to what it was.

Are there any updates from Roblox on this?

Again, this issue is still persisting. Can anyone confirm if this will be fixed, or will we need to rebrand the game at our own cost to work around this bug?

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If you haven’t already, I’d contact some sort of Roblox support directly.
DevForum posts aren’t always the way to go to get something fixed, even if it is a bug.

Roblox should reimburse for this, it probably drives people away from playing the game.

Yes, we did contact Roblox support before posting.

update: the name is now no longer censored.

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Just was persistent and randomly it decided to uncensor!


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