Weird Effect on ViewportFrame Model

I am using viewport frames for my shop for the knives, and I have a script setup to make each knives camera rotate around the static object. When it renders in the VPF it has this weird white outline around it, and I have no idea what it is or how to get rid of it. Any potential fixes?


I know the pain. Try messing with the lighting direction… or maybe set the background to white… I don’t think there’s any other way to fix it… but I could be wrong

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I was able to achieve this look on one of my projects, by doing what I stated above:

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I will definitely try it and see if I can get a solid fix for this rendering mishap

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Is this what you’re experiencing?

It seems to be a limitation with ViewportFrames as far as I can tell.


Here’s my settings in-case you’re wondering. I actually didn’t mess with the light direction, but that was one of my potential solutions.

Ambient =,63/255,63/255);
LightColor =,1,1);

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That’s exactly it haha, thanks for linking to that super helpful post.

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I’m going to fiddle around with some settings and see what works best with my VPF, thanks for the feedback though!

A really easy fix for this is changing the “BackgroundColor3” of the ViewportFrame to a similar shade of the background. So if I were you I would make it a dark color to help match your image label.


This actually blows my mind how even if the ViewportFrame’s BackgroundTransparency is 1 this still has a toll… however it does make some sense, image processing is an iffy thing to program

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Yeah, I just updated the background color of the viewport and it made the outline 99% invisible like it’s not even there haha