Weird New Animation Behavior

I don’t really know what happened in the past few roblox updates, but all of a sudden my animations started ‘merging.’ It’s hard to explain, so ill let this clip do the talking:

I remember that before if an animation played, then another animation of the same priority played, the later animation would play in full before getting to the original animation (if it wasn’t already over).

Is this an animation bug? A scripting issue? Or did roblox do something weird? Everything was working just fine until a few days ago, and I haven’t coded anything new in a while. Any fix?

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it happend today they keep doing these updates to ruin their game even more

This is part of the fixes to Animation Blending that started being implemented last year. We’ve reached the point where games should have been updated to properly use AnimationPriority. You can “stop” this in the meantime by adjusting the AnimationWeightedBlendingFix property under Workspace, but this will eventually stop working once the fixes become implemented as default.

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Yeah this is happening to me too

Oh boy… well, I’ve been meaning to fix the animate script for a while, I guess ill just spend a few weeks working on this too. At least it’s not a bug, I guess.

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