Hello, I’ve been trying to script a spring which can be used for vehicles, however, it seems that the seems that the spring grows in amplitude over time causing it to be jittering and fly high into the air.
local mass = script.Parent.AssemblyMass
local weight = mass * workspace.Gravity
local k = weight + 1
local c = 2 * (k * mass) ^ 0.5
local height = 5
local p = script.Parent
local f = p.VectorForce
local last_compression = nil
local cf = p.CFrame
local origin = cf.Position
local goal = origin - cf.UpVector * height
local dir = goal - origin
local result = workspace:Raycast(origin, dir)
if not result then
last_compression = nil
f.Force = Vector3.new()
local length = (result.Position - origin).Magnitude
local compression = height - length
local sp = compression * k
local velocity = (compression - (last_compression or compression)) / dt
local dp = velocity * c
last_compression = last_compression
f.Force = cf.UpVector * (sp - dp)
My testing place:
uh yeah.rbxl (23.4 KB)