Weirdest velocity glitch/Bug

hello so literally i am making a gun but when i see the gun’s part property its velocity increase very fast and decrease which mean it goes up to 60000 and goes down to 0 whenever i made a movement with the gun and when this velocity increase it fling me even if its can collide is false its kinda weird glitch

things thats possible doing it in my script might be this one or the animation but i dont think so:

	Mouse.TargetFilter = cam

	if running then
		gunbobcf = gunbobcf:Lerp(
			0.08 * math.sin(tick() *6),
			0.04 * math.sin(tick() *12),
			), 0.1)

the video of the gun flinging me with and the property tab velocity being shown
Untitled.wmv (4.2 MB)

u can see in the property tab in the left down corner that the velocity increase highly which if i face down it will fling me dont mind the billboard in the video
in my opinion this is weird
any help is apreciated

pls help me i really need help in this i never got such glitch or bug or idk before

The problem you’re experience is because of a weld and collision bug.

I find it really odd that you’re also using a seperate humanoid for a FPS weapon model, that’s probably causing trouble for you as well as you can’t turn off collisions with humanoids limbparts unless you use PhysicsService.

I am using the humanoid so that I can use the humanoid:LoadAnimation() and it could be easy loading animation in model I mean do u a good way to load animation in model

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actually i fixed it with animator but i used animation controller which its normal velocity keep increasing that mean it havnt been fixed also i have another game with this method of humanoid in model and i didnt have this issue which is strange sorry if i am being idiot its because i havnt mastered grammer in english very well so mostly i cant understand things