Welding accessories to a fake head

I’ve been trying to make a gore system in my game and I have a version of it where the player’s head is severed and a fake head as debris is created. Essentially, how do I weld a player’s accessories to a fake head? I have already tried adding a humanoid to the debris head, it didn’t work.

Essentially if the fake Head doesn’t move or moves the same way the original Head does, you can just make the original one invisible. If that’s not the case, you’ll have to manually (by scripting) place the accessories accordingly where they should be, or use a RunService function to place the fake Head where the original would be, and aswell, make the original Head invisible. So many heads

Accessories will correctly position themselves if the thing they are being attached to has the proper welds.

This might help, if you are confused on how this works feel free to respond.

I solved it on my own by using my brain for a second; Essentially, I set the fake head to the same CFrame as the real head and welded the requested accessories to the fake head