What’s the best Lua tutorial out there?

I have enough knowledge of Lua to be able to edit just about any script to do what I want but not enough to write it from scratch.

I hate having to sub-contract our scripters for my projects and would like to be able to do it myself.

How did you guys learn and what tutorials would you recommend if you have any?


okeanskiy, he makes in-depth and advances tutorials that range from OOP to Terrain Generation to Chunk Algorithms. Really good for experienced and advanced scripters.

here is his Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/okeanskiy


There is no such thing as best along the lines of tutorials. There are multiple specifics and it is heavily subjective on what the tutorial is addressing. Learning from experience is better than the theory on its own.

Oh, and it’s correctly branded as Lua, not LUA.

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As @Lukasadom stated, there are many good YouTube tutorials out there.
Another good resource is the developer hub: https://developer.roblox.com/

I use this a lot as it has all the class references and articles on how to do different things.
Forget a functions spelling or what exactly it does? Wiki has it.

I learned Lua back in 2011-2012 on Roblox after having been programming since 2007. So with the base behind me, I started editing scripts on Roblox and seeing how they worked, reading through it, until I was able to make my own scripts from start to finish.


Correct spelling noted. The only other coding I know is HTML5 so I have a nasty habit of putting all coding language names in caps.

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