What are my options for moving a car without a driver?


I am wondering what are my options when it comes to moving a car that doesn’t have a driver?

Obviously I can tween it, but is there some way to make it move like an npc, so that the wheels are turning?

I am hoping that i can move it like a humanoid with walktopoint? or something similar? Though i’ve had no luck trying to pull this off, i’ve tried making an npc sit inside and use moveto as well as putting a humanoid inside the car itself

Thank you for your time

You create your own :MoveTo function for the car which utlizes the physics system to move it where it’s going someting like what @SatrapRezaPahlavi has done although it’s still glitchy and incomplete perhaps you can improve it?

There is also Unreal engine tutorial which show cases the logic including measuring the angle in order to steer the car towards the location and what happens if the car has to reverse. This should accomplish the job of moving the car to a point while also steering and interacting with the world.

in this example, how are the wheels turning? Tho honestly this all is looking all too complex for the end goal

The wheels are turning using the roblox constraint system you can view it here Building a Basic Car wheels rotate and cars move forward, hinges rotate, car steers right or left.

So the code is actually driving the car towards the goal location the complex part is telling when to stop and how to steer towards the goal which the tutorial covers though I agree it is complex.

Not sure what you exactly want, physical interaction like an npc? Something like cities skylines where they move in a predetermined path on a road? if so then use tweening with bezier curves, theres also a tutorial on that on YT if you search.

thank you for the help. However i’ve found a much easier solution, at least for my use case.


this awesome module comes with a car that follows a path made checkpoints, i’ve edited it a bit, applied my own mesh to it and i’ve now got what i need. takes a bit of work but far less than then anything else one could do