What are the basics of scripting?

hi! i am willing to learn scripting i know it takes a lot of time. even it take 5 years. i want to learn some basics till the end of 2020. i also learned that watching videos or tutorial doesn’t help to learn scripting. i want to learn it because it has huge scope in future if u are willing too help me and teach me kindly contact me through discord
Cupcake sweetiesyt#0436

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so you probably know AlvinBlox and PeasFactory, they have categories like begginer scripting that’s how you can understand what’s for beginners

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watching tutorials do help!! I learned how to create a lot of spells from youtube tutorials


I made a similar post here going over what I consider a pretty good path for learning scripting, from the bare fundamentals all the way to advanced topics.

I think videos/tutorials are a bit tricky in that regard - some tutorials are great (AlvinBlox seems to do a pretty good job of explaining things as he goes) but you need to actually watch to learn, and not copy. That’s probably why people don’t tend to recommend them.

I recommend you the Lua 5.1 reference manual. Roblox uses a proprietary implementation of Lua called Luau, a superset of Lua 5.1. Roblox has changed its syntax but you can still learn a lot with this excellent resource, I will leave it here:


(its also good if you like reading from top to bottom and knowing the whole thing)

The basics of scripting, eh?

Well, I have a list below that can help you. Make sure to go in order when you’re learning.

  • Variables / Data Types
  • Expressions (Arithmetic, relational, and logical operators) This can be skimmed through it’s really basic.
  • Functions You can choose to learn conditional statements before this though.
  • Conditionals. (if, else, elseif) In that order.
  • Loops. (while, for, and repeat loops) In that order as well.
  • Coroutines This one can be put aside as in the beginning you’ll probably never use them, but keep this in the back of your head.

Now for the Roblox side of things once you’re done confident with the Lua language.

  • Client / Server Model This is a very important concept, and it might be confusing at first.
  • Events You can learn this on the side after you learned about conditionals and functions,
  • Property Manipulation The basis for a lot of code.

I’ll add more but this should get you started.

Use repl.it to write Lua code online. No sign-up or installations needed and can be used on anything that has access to the web.

I compiled this list using the Programming in Lua resource, read through that and use YouTube, Developer Hub, This is a real life saver. and of course, The Developer Forum. Ask questions here once you’re confident with Lua and are starting to actually script on Roblox.


Well that’s the problem instead of thinking how long it’ll take, actually start doing it now. You don’t really need to think about learning scripting just dive in it.

Anyways I learnt the basics of lua from here:


Are you learning how to script spells or learning how to script.

This is why tutorials usually don’t help. (By that I mean ones which teach specific things)

I mentioned spells as an example of something that tutorials can help with
You can just learn different methods of doing stuff or how something works by watching tutorials

The point is your supposed to figure out how to do it yourself. There won’t be a tutorial for everything. At some point you need to figure out how to make a specific thing yourself.

(Thats a mistake I made before)

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i completely agree with your point
You can still benefit from tutorials, like i learned that doing


is really bad

you can get lots of help from tutorials like alvinblox’s too

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Bad idea to just jump into scripting. Learning Lua as a whole is a much better idea before you actually start to script.

Personally, I learnt most of my stuff from a guy named DevKing. It took me 3 months to be able to script anything I want.

I recommend start from the first video and work your way up. Don’t move on until you have mastered the previous topic.

Thats my advice. :confused:


Some youtubers only teach you how to script ONE thing, like how to script an edible food item. However, Alvinblox teaches you the basics, so that you can gradually learn to script lots of stuff.

Link to channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlvinBLOX/videos

You should’ve looked up scripting tutorials on the devforum. ( Kurdiez is a good source to learn from. )

Anyways, use this website as a tool to learn.


There are so much tutorials on the dev-forum, and that could help you a lot.

Just do very basic stuff like “for i = 1,30 do print (1+1) end” and get a bit more advanced everytime.

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Sure, I’d love to help you, it’s just your discord username is wrong or something :v
Got error friend request, double check capitalizacion, spelling etc

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Hello, you can use this site:

It gives a lot of useful information. You can also learn many other languages, including TypeScript, with which if you become advanced, you can use it in Visual Code to program Roblox games.

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