What are you working on? August 2015 (#2)

some flora and a 1st person helmet now

I will be keeping this mostly secrete but I believe this should be seen:

Pay close attention to the 3rd floor, something’s in it.

I hope you’re not afraid of heights.

Simulation part is done. Now comes the aircraft editor, then matchmaking, and then I’m ready for a few beta testers.

Like this? :stuck_out_tongue: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I like the vintage kinda DaVinci look to it, those instruments look cool too, just need them actually in the cockpit haha


This monstrosity.

[size=2](Click for larger image.)[/size]

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Made these about a month ago but forgot to share them here. I tweeted them though @asimo3089.

[quote] Made these about a month ago but forgot to share them here. I tweeted them though @asimo3089.


[/spoiler] [/quote]

Holy crap those look so amazing.

[quote] Made these about a month ago but forgot to share them here. I tweeted them though @asimo3089.


[/spoiler] [/quote]

Are you sure you used ROBLOX to create these?

[quote] Made these about a month ago but forgot to share them here. I tweeted them though @asimo3089.


[/spoiler] [/quote]

Hehehe he I know what these are for

[quote] Made these about a month ago but forgot to share them here. I tweeted them though @asimo3089.


[/spoiler] [/quote]

Hehehe he I know what these are for[/quote]

3D skyboxes?

[quote] Made these about a month ago but forgot to share them here. I tweeted them though @asimo3089.[/img]


Wow, that looks so much like HL2.

I went back and redid a portion of UD: Westover Islands that I must have put little to no effort into, there was absolutely nothing special about this town while it should’ve been a bigger draw for crowds since it has a beach.
No longer.

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Rewriting RBXDatabase because the code is terribad.

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External Media

Yes it does glisten. It looks h0t.


  1. Realize I suck at building.
  2. Go to the cave opening
  3. Hold Left Alt, click on the suitcase thingy, click and drag the 2nd box (looks like sword, but it says torch) to left/right hand
  4. Go into cave
  5. Turn right once you see 2 ways
  6. Keep going straight until you see it.
  7. Prepare to be amazed.
  8. Listen 2 moosic.

NPCs, Monsters, and Player Equipment is done client sided
The game is no where near done
You can’t attack yet
Some bugs are still floating around
Quests do work. Only like 2 test ones. They don’t give anything.
This is only a framework, not an actual game
Hoping to find builders capable of making what I want
Custom animation system
Animations done client sided

Car suspension courtesy of yours truly.