What are you working on currently? (2017)

did someone said halloween ?



I started to get into programming lately, and this is the first scripted thing that actually work lmao
It is just a custom cam controller.


coughs is that a rotating minimap in the corner I see there? coughs

Yes it is. But notice the stupidly-large border? I have to do that to cover up the fact that rotated images don’t clip

Oof :confused:
Still, pretty cool!

Welcome to Candy Kingdom. Whatever you do, don’t eat his candy.


Can I play Mario Party on here though? Looks like board spaces to me

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Working on a Halloween lobby for Dungeon Master!


2nd attemt on making options for a game


Does roblox automatically triangulate faces on meshes?

Yeah, when you import a mesh, any faces that aren’t tris will be triangulated


I think vertices also get duplicated

I think that might only be true for stuff that you export and not in-engine, I really doubt they have all vertex data duplicated internally because that would be extra memory usage that isn’t needed.

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This is currently true, but we now de-duplicate when loading; this is part of the import optimizations that I keep talking about on rendering updates. Spoiler alert: they will be live soon.

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Was there any reason to have vertex data duplicated beforehand? Just curious

why is FOV not a slider D:
As a little bit of quality of life, why not also add a quick description of what each button is doing?
Not neccesarily for everything, but for example,what is Shake Camera? Is it something affected by explosions/damage?
If I have to guess what the outcome of changing something is, it may be worth quickly explaining.

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Any thoughts?
Day time

Night time



do the joint seams show a lot when it’s posed?

also, trees and grass!

full disclosure: i didn’t make the meshes (for once) of the flora.

but it’s completely clientside. to keep loading times down.

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A branch clipped through the train near the start of the recording.


https://devforum.roblox.com/t/game-idea-still-in-development/53226/6?u=valkared Making this idea come to reality

It’s basically a bug, mostly. FBX data doesn’t really come as deduplicated vertices ready for GPU consumption - the way many tools model mesh data is by having topology information separate for separate attributes; GPUs have just one index stream (except for some arcane GPUs that I probably can’t mention because NDAs) so you need to generate a separate index buffer, and the way we were (are) doing this in the FBX import code is super naive. We are now fixing this issue at load time at a small performance cost during loading, and will soon make Studio generate actually-optimal meshes using a certain mesh optimization library.