>no "unregistered hypercam 2" in top left corner
totally not beliavable. 0/5
>no "unregistered hypercam 2" in top left corner
totally not beliavable. 0/5
What about corner glitch?
I am planning of reviving one of my older projects. Probably not going to add data exporting (so no Roblox update). Finished redoing the smoothing math.
Almost looks like a dude from Town of Salem.
How did you do this!
Would love to know how you made such a system.
Yet to open some graphic services, needed a way to present my stuff so I downloaded a heck load of mockups and they look fantastic!
Working on a git hook that scans .rbxmx and .rbxlx files before a commit and changes things like <Item class="Model" referent="RBX0524DB985F7146A4974A9389FB1ACE6D">
into <Item class="Model">
unless the reference is actually used (e.g. Model’s PrimaryPart pointing to a Part, need to keep the part’s referent field)
Not sure I’ll use it, as 99% of the time I script and I can just map scripts to their own files (RSync or any other synchronization thing), but it just seemed fun to create
EDIT: I finished it: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/roblox-version-control/56053
I tinkered around with one of my side projects from two years ago. I made a really creepily cute concept character… What do you guys think?
I have slightly improved the dragons I made earlier.
Remember remember, the 5th of November
Bit early for that…
but you’re just in time for Leif Erickson Day!