The lighting, the detail…
Down with nil/nulls!
Changing laptop model and colours! (Current randomised) (gif)
Um… that looks like some theoretical Acer Aspire S 21.
Anything wrong?
Comparing it to the head of your character, the laptop is massive.
Oh yeah, I still need to adjust the size - its just bigger so its easier to see
Totally not inspired by the Ranger Veteran armor from a certain post apocalyptic wild west themed game.
It’s a bit high in polycount, mostly due to unoptomized mesh of the head, arms and tail.
Though technically this model is in my goal range of 10,000 tris for a full character.
Are you using Blender for all this? o_o
The amount of vector based things that you do is amazing.
Had tyridge77 import a bunch of dances and emotes. Gonna add them to the high school game I’m working on in the next couple of weeks.
Finished optimizing everything except the head as I’m not done tweaking her face, yes its a her, she aint meant to look like a pretty lizard gal as she’s being a character at a friends wasteland scoundrel bar. And, even after optimizing her body, I added a few minor detailing on her chest,
such as a faint (hard to see without AO) curves where breasts would be at on a human to gustier that the lizard is a she and a few bandoleers. I had made holsters for both legs but decided they were unworthy of being on the model as you will almost never see them, I have also modeled some hair for her that is rather messy and unkept to give her an appearance that she’s rough gal and doesn’t care for looks.
I’m debating if I’ll add bullets to the bandoleers, I’m wanting to but that’ll add about 1-2k more in polygons, even for low quality ones as I would literally be covering her in ammo… Well, if you got any suggestions, go ahead and give them.
also I’m aware of the hair clipping through the hat in the first picture, its intentional as my friend was unclear weather he wanted the hair or the hat.
I just realize I have some Wanted poster material in that third image.
If you need ideas, I suggest reading Cult of the Sacred Runes.
The author designed a whole combat system based around runes. Depending on how you place runes, they could increase speed of the attack, the damage, the amount of attacks, etc. Pretty interesting stuff.
If you don’t feel like reading it, just message me if you need ideas.
I updated my rig with better attachment points so the limbs don’t dislocate.
now motion capture the animations to give it that extra “human” motion, import that to blender, then import that to roblox, you’d be set for life!
peicing together some ideas for a summer game.