What are you working on currently? (2018)

given the reflections it looks like CSG V1

Ok. Thanks

Made a suit for a friend.


Very golden.

Definitely coming soon!

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tomorrow I get to write a new post about how much I love compression
the above is a compressed string representation of a giant smooth terrain mountain (notice the full body on the right). Basically I fit ~800x800x800 studs worth of terrain (8,000,000 voxels of material AND occupancy data) into a 115,999 character long string (which on an unrelated note is less than half of a max datastore cell)

Edit: See full thread here


But how detailed was the terrain? If it’s just generated terrain you should try messing with it a lot then re testing. Would love to see results because I might buy this off of you lmao

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Nice – I made a serializer a while back, but it was nowhere as near as good. It was more naive, where it reduced the material / occupancy of each voxel to 2 characters (one for each) and the only compression it did was combining duplicate voxels to a form of AF*1000. Of course, this was not entirely safe to use as there was no guarantee anything above than ~100,000 voxels could be stored if the repeats weren’t ideal.


Please let me know as soon as you open, I may want more (I think 110 pairs might be enough, I doubt it)

I’ll include screenshots in my actual thread but basically I scripted a smooth cone generator, used it a couple of times to get the right silhouette of the mountain, and then I carved it down to look like a proper mountain and I painted snow on the peak and ledges, and then I’ve just got some grassy meadows and and Island at the base. I’ll shoot you a link when I finish the thread :wink:

I do have some ideas though that I’m going to revisit today and see if I can compress on the fly instead of compressing at the end, which should speed up the importing process and might even let me push the size of the terrain area further

@EchoReaper Yeah I went through a bunch of phases with this, first I tried JSONEncoding material and occupancy arrays but that just crashed studio every time (which looking back makes a lot of sense). In the version shown above I manage to fit each cell into a single character before compression

Getting some more practice with Blender. Followed a tutorial by the all-powerful Andrew Price. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q8PwcDzb8Y)


Very good my dude.

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Finally getting to the point where I can use Go templates to generate API pages.

		{{- range . }}
		<li>{{.Build.Date.Format "2006-01-02" }} (v{{.Build.Version}})
				{{- range .Actions}}
				{{- else -}}
				<li>No changes</li>
		{{- end}}

Results: updates.html (4.6 KB)

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I’ll probably post it here, so keep an eye out. Otherwise, if you’d ever want a custom suit, I charge £20 for them. (Whole outfit)

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I remember taking that tutorial 4? 5? years ago. Stay with Andrew lol, you’re in good hands. :wink:

He has a unique way of keeping the audience interested because of his personality and he does a very good job of explaining what he’s doing and why. If anyone is getting started with Blender I highly recommend watching his Blender Beginner Tutorial series.

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I created this little cute plugin that allows me to replace models on the fly:

Can also replace multiple models at once with the same copy:

Going to add history stuff and then it’s the perfect aid for track building.


I’m creating an NFSU2 / Forza Motorsports2 style racing game called Drifter!

The game is still in alpha but already has full keyboard and controller support, plus a tuning system that is still WIP, but allows you to customise the mechanics of your car.

Any support would be greatly appreciated.

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CSGV2 for the most part because of the errors, but the red and gray part is CSGV1. I will be converting the CSGV2 front piece to mesh to fix the shading.

Thanks to @Protoduction for taking a lot of time to work with me & work on a visualizer for my net. I’ve also been upgrading the algorithms for mutation and it’s going pretty well! Here’s a demo of some deep learning on roblox: