You probably could’ve just made 4 and rotated the character on the diagonal ones
Not Roblox related but been playing around with ARCore In the office today. It uses the phone camera to detect surfaces in 3D space. Similar to ARKit for Apple but for Android instead. Both still have a long way to go but cool how it detects surfaces with only a camera, needs occlusion and better tracking over large areas to become useful like AR headsets such as HoloLens.
Would be really awesome if Roblox would eventually support AR instead of just VR.
I would honestly love playing Jailbreak on my coffee table.
Argh, now i’m curious!
You could theoretically but very slowly stream input from Roblox to the Unity app and make a working level or maybe even a AR Spectator mode for your game.
donut please
I’m hungry now
That looks like a pretty tasty torus
Boredboredbored. Made this anyway.
By the way this is a character me and @GammaShock made a few months back. You can play around with the character here: Poly Boy Playground - Roblox (The anthro-ish character supports your custom animations!)
When I look at these renders, I really get the impression that the amount of work required to render the character was far greater than the amount of work nessesary to make the work itself, this case being the animation.
Don’t worry champ, Blender features an amazingly fast workflow to make quality materials and lighting im a whim! Try it out for free today!
Please do.
I need more people to collab with.
I’ve used everything in the name of game development from Roblox Studio to unity, CryEngine, Turbulenz, you name it. I’ve never been more baffled by the controls of a software than I have been by Blender.
I can’t figure out how to move the camera.
I rest my case
Shift + F. Now pick up that gun and push forward, soldier!
I’d like to remind you of French history, and what happens when soldiers push forth with only bayonets.
All kidding aside, I’ll give it a shot, thanks!
Hah. Animating took longer then renderng xD I’m not like Maplestick who does composing so I cut down on a ton of a work because the render simply doesn’t need to have much special effects on it. As for moving around in blender, you press and hold the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) to orbit, shift + middle mouse button to pan.
I created two things, my roblox twitter account, and an mlg add-on for my zombie game. I think one is wayyyy more important than the other… (i wonder which???)
Not much right now but its shaping up well
also I am using textures so no one can comment on my wood grain >:)
tbh, the wood grain repeats too much, and too predictably.