That is absolutely astonishing, the improvements you made makes the showcase look more lively, fantastic work
I’ve been working on Blox specifically since May this year - but I’ve actually been looking into making voxel games on Roblox for over 6 years (for context, I’ve been around for 11 years on Roblox!)
It’s just me at the moment, but maybe sometime down the line I could take on some others. For now tho there’s too much low level work to be done before I’m ready to start building a team
I spoke before on my Aero inspired framework. I put a lot of thought in how I want to simplify networking so I came up with the concept of “channels”
Channels are simply an abstraction over Remote events and functions. A channel can be one or the other or both. Channels will be created on the server in the “awake” function (Declared by self:CreateChannel() ) and when a client connects, it will retrieve all created channels from the server. (Which can be accessed through self.Channels)
The API is fairly simple.
Remote Events work through Channel:SendData() and Channel:ReceiveData() while Remote Functions work through a similar Channel:SendDataRequest() and Channel:ReceiveDataRequest()
I’m overall quite happy with the results and will reduce a lot of the networking boilerplate code for me.
I am trying to make a black hole. It’s difficult but fun to utilize all of Roblox features to make a visual that goes beyond. It’s not finished but I made the skybox a light line, added a mesh skybox, and turned the reflection to 1 on a sphere.
Oh how interesting, looks like it paid off!
I find voxel to be an incredibly interesting sector due to how much can be done with it in mind.
How cool, it’s definitely best to set the groundwork in place first and when you do come around to it,
Hello! Ahaha anywhoo, I’d love to hear about your journey to Blox and how you got there if possible!
Looks really cool, Definitely continue to develop and home your skill as you’ve got it.
One suggestion I would make is developing the chest, it’s quite blocky at the moment and you may want to develop it to have a more aesthetically appealing and “realistic” (quotation marks) design with some detail and focus on the shape and features there.
Thought it would be cool to create a Skill tree UI using hexagons. Here’s what I ended up with!
old jobs, … but they bring me good memories
Decided to implement dice rolling into my game!
I made this game in 6 hours this afternoon:
I might be uploading too much to this thread. I have been on a developing frenzy recently.
I have been working on a cartoon style RPG that has sky islands
It is going well.
I sincerely hate remote objects. I made my own network abstraction module, and it works like a charm, without having to bother with tracking tons of remote events.
Though, it still creates one remote for each unique “key” for each data behind the scenes. I have no idea regarding the validity of these claims, but some people seem to have had issues with queue sizes and latency when only using one remote, so I stray on the safe side.
Added a new “Appearance Override” gamepass to my RPG, where you can use your own Roblox appearance instead of our custom characters for people who really want to.
please like and rt the original tweet if you can, im not selling out or anything haha
here’s a pretty quick video i made showcasing it, and it’s great that our animations play on pretty much any avatar rather seamlessly. the cuts i made during the edit make sense if sound is on
I might need help with custom rig animating…:
Yikes! That doesn’t look quite right.
Managed to find old renders using my Roblox Studio renderer!
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day (700? took like a year off)
Early progress on the tram station for The City 2.
Obviously going with a very different style this time around.
I’ve been lacking any form of inspiration lately so I’ve decided to work on some more “Super Mario Galaxy” related assets to try and spark something:
(Everything uses original models made by hand in Roblox Studio. Nothing was taken from the actual game)