What are you working on currently? (2019)

Couldn’t forget Danny Devito.


Making progress with the new characters for Shard Seekers!
(click to play gif)


The… eyes… they… are realistic and creepy at the same time


Working on an LMS Rebuilt Royal Scot! Quite near to completion now.


Can you guess what others are building?

Fun part is that, this game is made in 2 days! I would love to hear some feedback about it :smiley:

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I had an idea to make such game one day lol
I will make sure to check it out soon :smiley:

There’s still a lot of empty space in the lobby. Struggling to figure what else to add to it. Any suggestions?


Some couches would be great I think. Maybe some armchair next to the fireplace.
I also think few of those chairs from the second screenshot would look good in front of that counter on the right in the first screenshot.

Some sconces on the walls, maybe leathers, guns or other similar things that are often on the display in such places. I believe the walls themselves could be out of wooden planks to fit the tone a bit better.

Not sure if you’d want a carpet in the middle, but I think it might possibly work too.

Definitely add a dark red colored rug

The rocks on the right of the first screenshot are marvelous!

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Hahaha, what game is this lobby for?

Dude, I can’t believe you crossed the uncanny valley. Congratulations! I always stayed away from Shard Seekers because the avatars looked creepy, but this is what Roblox should make as next rtho.

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Absolutely love these.
However I wouldn’t say these are insanely crazy or insanely, I would say they’re insanely jazz. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What I can’t believe is that you did this in Audacity…
Don’t get me wrong, I love audacity, but for audio editing (especially Non-Destructive AE), you really need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).

I personally recommend Reaper.fm. =)

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Added a couple couches and I’m going to make an arm-chair to match it to sit around the fireplace. Put some stools in front of the weapon-bar. I do think some decor sconces would do well, not sure about guns or such but I’ll see. Thanks for your ideas!

This is for my game I’m working on. I’m a huge fan of Danny Devito so I thought I’d throw it in there for a laugh.

Worked on a huge linear map for a game! Here are some of the themes included:




That first world. Looks like a drug trip there, interesting choice of colors. However that last one looks really cool, I like it alot :+1:

What kind of a game is this?


First picture shown of the map was meant to be a weird alienish type of theme but playing with the idea of bamboos; I can see your point about my psychedelic choice of colors haha :sweat_smile:. Anyways, this whole map was a commission for Blob Simulator 2.


I’m currently redoing my first map, which was supposed to be a scary forest. There’s been some really great advice from threads here on the forums that have helped me improve what I was doing. Thanks everyone!

The Old Forrest Map I did:

The New One, so far: