I have been working on a car game since a few months ago. It’s pretty much still a rough prototype and I haven’t even made the damage system. But so far I’d say it looks kinda decent.
That’s really good for a rough prototype!
It looks a lot more than decent! This looks amazing!
finishing city stuff
Hello everyone, I need some help choosing which thumbnail is better (or what I should improve on)! Thanks
I’ve been mostly idle but just got back into developing and am trying to make a flight game with a classic brickbattle theme.
It’s like Mickey Mouse threw his child into the dry ager
I can’t use instagram just for that
Twitter may ban me
Made a Shop UI for my upcoming game!
Pretty decent, maybe try adding a light/dark theme to the shop if you could do that? I mean like, a button to toggle it.
Love the classic yellow face head (OOF) lol
I’d say the second one, it look’s more sharp.
I like the first one better. Second one is too bright and distracts away from the title.
I find both a little dark. It’s hard to make out details as the icon will be pretty small aswell. You have to catch peoples attention.
Sneakpeak #4 on my TikTok Game in Roblox (Orchid)
- Last Main Update: What are you working on currently? (2022) - #3479 by baseparts
- Last Sneakpeak: What are you working on currently? (2022) - #2824 by baseparts
I’ve made a new recording system and videos now take up ~77x less data. (Yup thats not a typo)
New System Data vs Old System Data
Before, a 10 second recording was about 700,000 bytes at 25 fps.
With the new system, a 10 second recording is only about 9000 bytes at 25 fps
The coolest thing with the new system is that there’s little to no visual difference from the old system to the new one, and it actually ends up looking smoother in some cases.
Here’s a video of the new system
(the dummy is the recording of my character):
Let me know your thoughts!
Love the use of highlights. Looks like a pretty cool game.
This is my first post on this topic where I’m not replying to someone else’s creation. Historic moment.
So, recently I’ve been playing around with constraints in Roblox Studio. I wanted to try to make a rope bridge that actually swings. Not for a game, but just because I thought it would be fun. Obviously, it wasn’t too hard connecting the planks together with ropes, but the problem was it would never stop shaking and come completely to rest. This really bugged me, but I didn’t think there was any way around it, until a few days ago, when I had the idea to use AlignPosition to try to bring it to rest. I honestly didn’t really think it would work, but it did! Here is the video showing the old version on the left, and the new on the right:
I also used it to make a swinging chandelier that can actually stop swinging!
Some unfinished but in development things
For the second image I was trying to figure out how our sandbox system would turn out, seems decent.
Video made by @happyrobloxgirl98