What are you working on currently? (2024)

Currently working on a Lightsaber Battlegrounds VR game, spent the past 2 months working on it and it close to releasing in alpha!


I’m trying to get back into developing a game called spotlight. Currently the game is nothing, and I’m terrible at scripting. But hey.


I am working on raycast engine to make a 8 bit horror, hope I will finish it this year


Its sadly not out yet, but will be on my creator marketplace in August


Hello everybody :wave:,

In 2024 I am working on an upcoming game that is based on a fps with a unique mode. Am not going to say much on this project as of now to protect my team’s ideas. I can’t wait to start showing everyone the game and showing off my team’s amazing skills!

I am also going to be focusing on my UGC store in 2024 to provide avatars with amazing accessories!


I’m working on an ocean-themed roleplaying/adventure game called “Life in the Deep”.

Planned features include:

  • A wide array of playable marine species, some with customization.
  • Various marine biomes and habitats with NPC creatures.
  • Achievements that reward players with access to rare species and customization options.
  • Unique abilities, such as mantis shrimps and pistol shrimps being able to fire cavitation bubbles, or cephalopods being able to change their color and texture to blend in with the environment.

Some features currently in testing are:

  • Cavitation bubbles (controlled with the R key)
  • Hermit crabs changing their shells (both this and cavitation bubbles are currently being tested with a generic crustacean)
  • Whale blowholes (only implemented for harbor porpoises so far, can be controlled with the R key)
  • A custom swimming system with the some species being able to become beached. Also planning to include different forms of swimming and the ability to change swimming speed.

A frilled shark next to a giant siphonophore.

The game is still in a very early version, with most character models being from older iterations of the game, but it can be tried here:


This game gives me subnautica vibes


Especially the 2nd image he posted, that would be scary to randomly see Xd


In My Restless Dreams . . . - Roblox


I am attempting to make a 2.5D platforming game as a sequel to my game-jam game Perilous Parallels from last year. (Here is the link to the video pitch for that game.) I am pretty busy with schoolwork right now also, but hoping to work on my game in my spare time. Sorry I don’t have any videos or pictures, but there’s really not much to show right now. Won’t take my word for it? Fine, here is a picture of the current state of the game:

I told you so…

By the way, I would appreciate any tips or suggestions on how I could use the new character physics controllers to create custom controls. I’m having a hard time figuring that out. (If you do have any, pleas PM them to me. Don’t want to clutter up this topic.)


Trying to improve by making alot of little games and projects. Check my profile if u want to


Following up my previous comment, i made quite a significant (relatively to what i had ofc) improvement and have a better understanding of what i want from a game i am currently solo “working” on.

Since my last comment i added a bunch of “unique” weapons to develop a framework so i can easily add weapons in the future; some icons quickly made in gimp and a bunch of other details. The only issue i have rn is that i have nobody to playtest it with and it requires at least 2 players, so i have no idea if my game design is any good, but i will sort it out i think.

And i made that game public but don’t expect much. It’s pretty empty and seeing other posts here make me think i am doing something wrong… But hey, at least it’s not a cash grabby simulator, right?.. Right?!


I’m currently working on a psychological horror game, it’ll be organized in chapters staring different characters with the same problems. I won’t be explaining the game any further to protect the idea from being potentially stolen.


There are lua files in that topic. As i remember it doesn’t handle death state but it should give you a vague idea of what’s going on.

I think before you had to add a few instances, make a few tweaks in properties and you didn’t even had to script anything. Sadly now it doesn’t work with the default humanoid


I am working on making a Realistic Ragdoll simulator game!

(I took it down due to the ragdoll script being lost… :frowning: )

Screenshots of it:

Screenshot 2023-12-29 185059

Screenshot 2024-01-04 071553


Sorry for the rickrolls, i got carried away.


Wait did roblox remove the rule that console users cant talk in the chat??


It’s not a rule, it’s just not a feature yet.


That is a massive heat sink and fan


A simple Hanger model


I am currently working on a Game Discovery Hub

High quality version (though you have to download it)
Update: the link broke. I guess using discord as a file hosting platform isn’t a good idea