follow up, procedural 3D skybox implementation
World of War
A roblox RTS game inspired by games like Hoi4. Beta is almost here, alpha version 0.95/1.00.
Patch notes:
- Complete Trading Revamp
- Complete Economy Revamp
- Military Frame
- Lots of bug fixes
- Progress on Map Editor
- Remade almost every UI that wasnt already remade
- Way More
how do you do all this? and do you find those models online or what?
This game looks great, and I love the UI. The concept is good as well! I wish you well for this game, it looks really promising!
right, and ill just take those scripts… just kidding i would never
@CreatorPlanet13 DAMN! you are a lean mean roblox building machine like you get these epic works done so quick!! and they look AMAZING always
I finished with the @bluebxrrybot restaraunt!
- needs improvements
- cool
0 voters
to whoever is choosing “needs improvements”, i recommend saying what to improve so I will try my best to do so
I am terribly sorry for calling it a “shop”
Doesn’t really resemble a shop
despite the name, it’s an restaurant instead of a shop. but I called it a “shop” cuz i don’t know why
Alr, a restaurant makes more sense :P
Here you go, I added a squishy jump.
I don’t know how to name things properly, so I am ter- te- terribly sorry for calling it a “shop”
Just finished this fine piece of modern architecture. Tedious work but enjoyed it all the way!
Złota 30, Warszawa, Poland
For the record I love this game! Keep up the good work yo!
Made some improvements to make the ball more elastic.
We are working on a Cookie Run-style game named Smoothie Legends.
What we want:
- Design the UI
- Draw the character concepts
- Model the playables
- Make scripts
- And more!
Join our group if you need help:
luxury basement interior
I’m playing around with the scripts and I made a little notification system in just under 1 hour, also was playing around with the “RichText” parts from a Text object in order to see what stuff I can make, for the time being, I only made a settings menu that’s incomplete, I may or may not be adding more soon.
(IMAGE 1 - Me turning on the notifications:)
(IMAGE 2 - Playing around with interacts and the notifications themselves)