What can I do to add to this room?

Thank you! It improved the lighting a lot. I think I going to add some occasional pipes on the ceilings, and possibly some vents just for detail. I’m definitely hoping to add more, though.

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You’re designing a horror/puzzle game, incorporating two different elements simultaneously. Typically, horror games evoke feelings of loneliness through empty rooms, dim lighting, and expansive corridors.

However, puzzle games require the addition of confusing details and models. By combining these two elements, you’ll successfully complete your project.

For my opinion, you can resize the room, adding a chandelier for a more old-school feel and to interest the players. Adding distracting objects is more helpful for designing puzzle games and horror games too.

Like quaint pictures on the wall, wall decorations, quaint furniture, and changing the texture of the wall or floor, it’ll help.



What do you mean by quaint, and what kind of furniture?

Ah! Great idea, I’ll work on it.

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