What do you think of my new advanced project (Project Docks)

What do you think of my new creation? I’ve been working on the entire island for over a week, but there are still places where some details are needed. What do you think about what I have created so far? I would be happy to see your opinion!


That’s really great!
Very nice to see this.


This looks absolutely stellar!
A little bit of feedback I have about it would probably be if you wanted a little more detail added to it. I was thinking since there are little boats sitting by the docks, they could be bobbing in the water a little. The flame on the open fire there could also be a tiny bit bigger, (also not sure since I couldn’t notice it during the video but) the fire could also emit a flickering light and maybe some smoke too (you could also keep the flame small if you wanted since there would be less smoke if you planned on adding any.) I was also thinking there could be a little bit more vegetation in the water like more little plants and maybe even little fish swimming around? Also, in the second clip where you could see the line of flags, make it so they move in the wind too since they seem pretty solid for some flags. Either way I really really like how the build looks and I think you did a really nice job on some of the other detailing, I also really like the style you went for. I personally don’t really see many builds in this style (not sure if it’s just me) and I like how it looks cartoony yet still nicely detailed.
(edit: also sorry if this is like a huge wall of text lol, just “a few” suggestions I thought of)


That looks really good. I am curious, what in here was made in blender if anything was made in blender at all?

For example I could tell the rocks and trees were made in blender but were the houses?


Looks great man! I like how the style is congruent and everything flows together. If you intend to make this into a game, just be careful about the performance. While this build is highly detailed, you may need to optimize some stuff before it is released to players

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Oh my gosh! If it took you a full week to make the docks, then that’s impressive! I love the creativity and smooth textures you put into the models. I’m looking forward to see the full advanced project, because I am highly interested in your project.

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There are no words to describe how good this is! I wouldn’t add anything but if you really wanted to you could add some seashells or sea stars around the beach to make it more colorful since i only see sand

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Thank you very much for your feedback! When it comes to boats, unfortunately I have no idea how to make them move on the water.I’m not a scripter so if you could send a link to a tutorial of some kind on how to make it work I’d be grateful! As for the fireplace, that part is still being developed, so I put it there to know in the future that some kind of firepit will be sitting there. Also as for the frags, just like with the boats, I don’t really know how to make them move. In the end, the style I chose is very nice looking too in my opinion. I try to stick to strong bright colors but a bit faded at the same time. I love how the whole scene feels alive. Thanks again for taking the time and your suggestions. I will use them for sure! :smile:

(I’m sorry if there are any mistakes but English is not my main language and I am still learning)

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The houses were made in roblox studio. Im using blender mainly for small details like plants ect.

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Thx! I must admit that I completely forgot about seashells and starfishes :sweat_smile:

Yeah I’m not much of a scripter either- :sweat_smile:
Also how were you able to get the leaves of the trees to sway in the wind? Couldn’t you do something like that but with the flags? (not sure if it’s that possible since my brain is a cube) I have definitely seen other developers make swaying flags and stuff like that though, Hopefully you should be able to find a few good tutorials though, Theres also a few things on the forum about it which you could check out. I saw a conversation about this a bit ago and I’m wondering if this would be of any use (unless it might be outdated im honestly not sure) Realistic Flags? How can I go about doing this! (also suprisingly enough I think your english is still better than some of the kids in my class at school lol)

Looks geat!

There’s a couple of ways to make the boats bob. You can either:

  • make it a mode, with a primary part, create a Vector3 value instance, tween the value, and then connect a .Changed function to it that does SetPrimaryPartCFrame
  • weld all the parts to a single root part, and tween the root part position/CFrame (I think this one seems to be preferred)
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Best way I know is to model the flag in Blender with an armature, and then import the model as a custom rig, and then import the animation.

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Small update:
I made the water move along with the lilies and boats


This is really cool! I do recommend you make the water move a bit slower though since it is pretty fast for just water that is sitting there. But other than that I really like it and I’m glad you were able to get it to move along with the lilies and boats.

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Second that, id slow it down so it takes 2 seconds to go from top to bottom. Also try making the easing style cubic, with the easing direction inout.