What do you think of my new Gamepass GUI? +Poll

On mobile according to Studio:

Hello! I’m wondering if you think there’s anything I can improve about this gamepass purchasing GUI. Ignore the Lorem Ipsum - that’s just a filler until I finalise the benefits.

What I’m mostly wondering is do you think it should be a bit wider for the text, or smaller, etc.? Including mobile

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Adequate
  • Needs improvement (please reply)

0 voters

Thanks :smiley:


The effect used on the buttons looks sensational!. Could you give me a tip on how to make the same one?

In a general analysis, I found everything well organized, I think that increasing the font size a little on the mobile would be better.

Anyway, great job @koi1299!

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It looks good! I love how the button is also used as an “image” in the UI as well! One thing I will say though, I do not like how close the text is to the border of the UI. I would suggest resizing the X scale slightly just so it is not as close to the border.

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Thank you very much! Credit where it’s due, here’s where I learned how to do that wonderful shine effect: 4 UIGradient Animations (Including Rainbow!)

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Thank you!
And yes I was wondering that - it does feel a bit constricted, I’ll definitely change that

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