What does require() do?

  1. What do you want to achieve? I simply want to know what require() does.

  2. What is the issue? Nothing. I just want to learn.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Google, and the DevForum. Both searches have given me no results about what I am asking.


Edit: Just to be clear, I am not a very good scripter. I follow lots of tutorials.

All I did was search “Roblox require()” on Google.

Oh. I guess I didn’t dig deep enough. Thanks.

require() loads a module script, it can be used to get a module in the game, or a model ID!

Alright, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hey if you ever want to know about something like this again just check it on the dev hub!(https://developer.roblox.com/)

I usually search the thing I want on google since the search bar on it isn’t very good, for example if i wanted to look up the physics service i’d search on google “physics service roblox” and go to the first dev hub link!

Alrighty! Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face: