What does "self" do?

oh crap i didnt notice.

local functions = {}

function functions.TeleportToPlayer(self)
      workspace.Part.CFrame = player.Character.Torso.CFrame
      self = functions
      print(self) --prints functions inside table?

return functions

its not gonna just print “functions” inside of the table, its gonna print the contents inside of the module script if im correct

like inside of a book

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it would still throw an e r r o r …

Since functions is nil, you have to use tostring()

The variable “functions” isn’t nil since it has been assigned to a table (which holds the function)

Uhhh No it won’t? I just fixed it.

It’s still a table, which makes it an error?

No? Just because we are printing the table contents of “Module” doesn’t make it an error.

Is it something im misunderstanding?

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self is a keyword referencing the class or table itself

consider this example:

local teapots = {}
teapots.__index = teapots

function teapots:ReturnMyName()

function teapots.new(Name : string) 
     local init = {
            Name = Name
     return setmetatable(init,teapots)

local Teapot = teapots.new("Billy")


> "Billy"

you can only get self when you call a function with the colon

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Bro, go to a baseplate, insert a script, and type this:

local mytable = {'red', 'blue'}


Then run it, and you get the error:

attempt to print a table

:happy4: I understand nowwwjdaid !!!

you can print a table
that’s very useful for debugging


you shouldn’t be defining self as a variable, it is automatically passed. For example:

local object = {
	Message = "Hi!"

function object:SayMessage()

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What are you trying to prove sir?

In order to print a table you could do this:

local mytable = {'red', 'blue'}

local together = ''

for i, data in pairs(mytable) do
    together = together.. mytable[i] .. ', '

together = '{' .. together .. '}'

or horizon/vertical coding.

I mean yeah it works, but it throws an error at ya’.

yes because modules have to return something. My code was a very very basic example of how self works.

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why wouldn’t you just print the table

Fair enough. I also just found this link that pretty much can explain what "self" is.


Well. Self is a reference to what the function was called on. It’s a bit hard to explain so let’s take an example

local t

t = {}
t.number = 5
function t.addNumber(table, n)
    table.number = table.number + n

So here we have a table t that has a number and the function addNumber. AddNumber expects to get a table like t as the input so it can add to table.number. Well we have t. Let’s just throw t into that function.

t.addNumber(t, 5)

And now it should change t.number to 10 and print it. But, it’s kind of annoying to have to type t in as the first parameter. So instead let’s use colon notation. This line is exactly the same as what we just did above.


Colon basically just passes the thing it’s called on as the first value.

Now let’s rewrite the addNumber function to use colon notation. Or Better yet, I’ll change the “table” parameter to self, then right colon notation underneath.

function t.addNumber(self, n)
    self.number = self.number + n

function t:addNumber(n)
    self.number = self.number + n

So these 2 functions are identical. : when declaring a function just secretly passes in self as a parameter so you don’t have to do it with dot notation.


this guy taught me self in one post while you guys kept arguing


That’s because they’re all … selfish


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