What does the "export" keyword do?

So, I was just looking at random things in the script editor, when I saw the export keyword. I wanted to see what it does, but had no idea how to use it. To learn, I checked everywhere, but I couldn’t find a single source. Does anyone know what it does and how to use it? I am looking forward to learning about this.

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It just allows you to export a type from a module script to be accessible from another script.


local module = {}

export type vector = {x: number; y: number}

return module -- since you have to return something for require not to fail


local a: vector = {x = 1; y = 1} -- unknown type 'vector'
local a: module.vector = {x = 1; y = 1} -- unknown type 'module.vector'

local module = require(path.to.module) -- requiring also imports the exported types from the module

local a: module.vector = {x = 1; y = 1} -- now ok

It’s more thoroughly documented on the luau language site:

^Also note that it for reverse compatibility reasons (luau is a language that actively goes through syntax changes), export is not a reserved word (like the continue statement).

So the following is valid syntax that will run without any syntax errors:

local export = 'a'
local a = export

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