What do I want to achieve?
I would like to know exactly how unpack() works.
What is the issue?
When I store the unpacked table in a variable then print it, it gives me a different value than when I print the unpacked table directly.
What solutions have I tried so far?
local Tab = {"First","Second","Third"}
local Result1 = unpack(Tab)
print(Result1) -- First
local Result2 = print(unpack(Tab)) -- First Second Third
I do not understand why the outputs are different. If anybody knows why and could explain to me, it would mean a lot to me. Thank you!
So I wanted to have have a list of the player’s past usernames.
local NamesTable = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game.HttpService:GetAsync("https://rprxy.xyz/proxy/api/usernames/"..plr.UserId))
local List = unpack(NamesTable)
local Full = string.gsub(List," ",", ")
It uses the API endpoint Rprxy and gets their past usernames, then (I was hoping for it to) return a table. Which it did, but when I unpacked the table it only gave me the value of the first index. I think I know how to do this by using a for loop and inserting it into a string but it would be too tedious. So I was wondering if there was an easier way; perhaps utilising unpack(). The string.gsub() was to replace the spaces (of the unpacked table) with a comma and a space so that it would be nicer to read.
Ah! For this you should use table.concat(t, delimiter, i, j).
It returns a string of all the elements of t separated by delimiter, starting at i and ending at j. The third argument defaults to 1 and the last argument defaults to the length of the table. The second argument defaults to an empty string, so everything will be ‘mashed’ together with no delimiter.