What happened to the evaporate button in terrain editor

What happened to the evaporate button in the terrain editor that deletes water?
I cant find it at all


Read the section about the Fill tool. You can now replace Water with Air.

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+1 to what @Scottifly said. That being said, we are bringing sea level tool back soon.

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Will the Sea Level tool be able to remove all instances of water? The reason I ask is because of other issues I’ve seen in the past since the Shorelines update where water is hidden inside Terrain under the surface and Painting or Filling cause issues with that.
Just wondering because if the replace Water with Air section in the Fill tool is used would it cause the Shoreline water to be replaced with Air holes in the solid Material that’s already there? I haven’t tried it because since I had those issues I haven’t changed any Terrain near water.

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