So I was sitting in Studio thinking of what i could create, until I noticed that there’s a new Workspace property called FallHeightEnabled.
I have no idea what this property does, however it is listed in the workspace properties docs, though without any actual information.
Does anyone have any idea of what this property does? I tried disabling it but nothing seems to happen.
well its name + it being right underneath FallenPartsDestroyHeight is pretty obvious what it implies, but the fallen unanchored-part destroy height can be set as low as -50000, which begs the question, in what situation would you have a physics object that is 50,000 studs below y = 0 without wanting it destroyed, considering roblox physics, and well, everything starts to break down already at around 10k studs away from 0, 0, 0 UNLESS ROBLOX IS PLANNING TO EXPAND THE MAX DISTANCE YOU CAN BUILD AND NOT HAVE YOUR GAME BREAK DOWN AS EARLY AS 50k STUDS AWAY HOLY SHIT MAYBE WE CAN FINALLY MAKE LARGER SCALE GAMES; SPACE/FLIGHT SIMULATORS WITH MASSIVE 1:1 SCALE MAPS MIGHT BECOME POSSIBLE
This sounds like it is linked with FallenPartsDestroyHeight but does not do anything as of right now (according to what I tested). I made this true / false multiple times which changed nothing. The lack of documentation can imply that it shouldn’t be used as of writing this.
I have disabled it and tried to fall down, but I still get destroyed, so that’s not something that should change the parts destroy height in any way.
its probably not enabled yet, roblox tends to add useless things and release them/make them usable way later
If anyone does need the functionality to disable FallenPartsDestroyHeight, you can run the command
game.Workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight = (0 / 0)
which will set the property to NaN. This allows players and unanchored parts to fall indefinitely. (This is a little bit hacky, but afaik it’s the only way to do this as of right now.)