What is "FireServer"?

It seems to m that FireServer() is an announcement to the whole server, and whoever is waiting to receive it will do some sort of function. However, I think that this is supposed to be done with an event (such as script.Parent.Touched:FireServer(“Something”)) Yet I’ve seen scripts with instances that ‘fires the server’. What is the instance in this case??

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The Instance is a ‘remote event’, which makes no sense to me.

FireServer is usually used for an item called “Remote Events” which is something you can use to communicate with the server/client i suggest you read the documentation, for a localscript you use :FireClient() Instead, if you do not know what the Server-Client boundary is, please read the links

Hopes this helps you :hidere:


RemoteEvent will allow you to communicate between Server and Client. :FireServer() is a function which allow you to run something on the server for everyone can see it which are pretty good.

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You also need to refence the “Remote Event” (game.Workspace["Remote Event"]:FireServer()) it wont work because its a unique property to the item.