What is "internal/DataModelGenericJob" and how do I make it not take a lot of memory?


I don’t know which category this should really belong to but I thought building support would be the most relevant.

A little backstory:

So me and some other developers just finished creating a site for an SCPF and we’re proud of it so far. But little did we know that the performance would be bad. We got complaints from every tester about performance and in studio, we can’t even open scripts and do a lot of things without crashing e.t.c

So we’re now working on sessions to improve performance as we’ve also learnt that one of our devs weren’t actually the best at efficient building and they put tons of unions and tons of things that cost performance.


It’s still running badly and we’ve removed a lot of unions and things we don’t need that that one dev put and we checked the performance tab and we were surprised to see this!

[NOTE] Most of us are actually good at keeping places performant but this was a bad case.


And the thing taking the most amount of memory is:

We don’t know what this is and we’ve tried to look it up but we didn’t get a clear understanding.

Could you guys help us out please?


Memory leak? This post might be usefull to fixing your problem, I can’t really say more than that with the info you have provided, but the issue is definetly on your end. Check your scripts and make sure you’re not generating a ton of instances that stick in memory (variables?).

By the name I suppose it’s the memory that the game uses, BaseScripts, Services, etc.

Alright thanks, I’ll ask the scripters to check out what is going wrong

We will look into it and hopefully it is what you guys are saying


It was due to the scripts and turns out a temporary dev we hired actually injected backdoors and lots of things into the game which mean we couldn’t use it anymore. But thank you so much for you help guys!