What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?

I’ve seen a lot of people talk about it, both in and outside of Roblox. I know that it is a “type” of scripting/programming that is used for more organization, but what is it? And what are the differences between OOP and “normal” programming?

Please tell me if this post doesn’t fit this category and i will change it

Object Oriented Programming is a type of programming that revolves around “objects”, here is a post:
All about Object Oriented Programming - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox
It explains a lot about OOP. OOP utilizes objects while “normal” programming does not mingle with objects (it technically does, but if you read into the link I sent you, you’ll notice a difference).

in short, its the self variable you see in open source module scripts ( I think )

local Person = {}
Person.__index = Person

function Person.new(name)
    local self = setmetatable({}, Person)
    self.Name = name

    return self

function Person:adadadadadad()
    print("Hi, my name is " .. self.Name)

return Person 
local Module = require

local bro = Person.new("saul")
bro:adadadadadad() -- how to use `:` correctly
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local Signal = {["Connections"] = {}}
local Connection = {}

Signal.__index = Signal
Connection.__index = Connection

function Signal.New()
	local SignalId = HttpService:GenerateGUID(false)
	Signal.Connections[SignalId] = {}
	return setmetatable({["Id"] = SignalId}, Signal)

function Signal:Fire(...: any)
	for i, FunctionInfo in ipairs(Signal.Connections[self.Id]) do
		if table.find(FunctionInfo, "once") then table.remove(Signal.Connections[self.Id], i) end

function Signal:Connect(Function: any)
	if type(Function) == "function" then
		local FunctionId = tostring(Function)

		table.insert(Signal.Connections[self.Id], {["FunctionId"] = FunctionId, ["Function"] = Function})
		return setmetatable({["Id"] = FunctionId, ["ScriptConnection"] = self.Id}, Connection)

function Signal:Once(Function: any)
	if type(Function) == "function" then
		local FunctionId = tostring(Function)

		table.insert(Signal.Connections[self.Id], {["FunctionId"] = FunctionId, ["Function"] = Function, "once"})
		return setmetatable({["Id"] = FunctionId, ["ScriptConnection"] = self.Id}, Connection)

function Signal:Wait(): any
	local Finished, Results = false, nil
	local Function = function(NewResults) Finished = true; Results = NewResults end
	local FunctionId = tostring(Function)

	table.insert(Signal.Connections[self.Id], {["FunctionId"] = FunctionId, ["Function"] = Function, "once"})

	repeat task.wait() until Finished
	return Results

function Connection:Disconnect(): ()
	for i, ConnectedConnection in ipairs(Signal.Connections[self.ScriptConnection]) do
		if ConnectedConnection.FunctionId == self.Id then
			table.remove(Signal.Connections[self.ScriptConnection], i)
	self = nil

return Signal

OOP is more organized. It’s like creating your own service in a way.

It’s really complicated to teach (at least for me), but once you learn it, it is a must-use feature of Roblox as a scripter.