What is Orianted Object Programing?

Hello I would really like to know what knows, how it built, how it is used etc…

  • How to use the oop?
  • How to build it?
  • I’m looking for explanations and examples!

Thank you very much

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Please use the search function before making new threads.


Hello thanks for you reply, I know it exists I used it but according to some perssone I used it badly that is why I ask

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There are countless amounts of tutorials on youtube, you could search quite literally how to do just about anything in roblox studio and it will pop up. Those can help so much with learning how to code as long as you are actually following tutorials that teach you how to do something, and not the tutorials that just hand you code.

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I’m someone who likes to code I would not enjoy copying code to copy code sa makes no sense I’m someone who understands quickly I don’t think oop is a real difficult

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Luau is one of the easiest languages to learn, I bring up tutorials because the right ones explain everything about it and certain areas of it.

This (the devforum) has countless amounts of documentation, whether its from people asking questions in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support or actual documentation on the creator hub, like for example this one Functions | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Here’s a summary: Object Oriented Programming is paradigm (style) that is used to define fields and control the behavior of objects, allowing for more organization.

In simpler terms, OOP makes it easier to make stuff like NPCs, or spawn fireballs, because all of these are objects, that have fields (variables/configurations) and behavior (functions/methods). Learning this is not easy, but once done, it’s TOTALLY worth it.

Personally, I recommend this tutorial: OOP tutorial


You add data to the object, you modify them more easily and simply, if I understood the objects on roblox studio contain oop, because they have a name, color, size etc…